These days, almost any book in publication can be found in an online format, which makes it easy to download a book on pet care and have it with you on your e-reader or smart phone while you're out with your pet. This helps you stay better prepared for emergencies and will help you know what to tell your pet vet about your pet's behavior and health. Here are some of the popular books on the subject of pet care that you might want to download and read on your new e-book reader.

Standard Pet Care

When you first bring your pet home, there's a wealth of information that you need. What should you feed your new pet? How should you care for it? How do you train it? What sort of supplies do you need? It's all very overwhelming. These are some great starter books: The Complete Healthy Dog Handbook by Betsy Brevitz, Think Like a Cat by Pam Johnseon-Bennett, Birds off the Perch by Larry Lachman, Guinea Pigs: Complete Care by Carolyn McKeone, and the Everything Aquarium Book by Frank Indiviglio.

Exotic Pet Care

Most people choose cats, dogs, rodents, or goldfish when they get to the pet store. But what about the rest of us, who choose more unusual animals? Do we have to learn how to care for them? Nope. We can read these books: Leopard Geckos for Dummies by Liz Palika, Turtle: Your Happy Healthy Pet by Lenny Flank, Chick Days: An Absolute Beginner's Guide to Raising Chickens by Jenna Woginrich and Horse Housekeeping by Margaret Koda.

Emergency Pet Care

The scariest time for a pet owner is when something goes wrong with our beloved animals. We may not know how to be able to recognize what's wrong with our pets. These books will point you in the right direction and guide you toward getting your pet the right care: The Dog Owner's Home Veterinary Handbook by Debra M. Eldridge, Joey Green's Amazing Pet Cures by Joey Green, and Pet First Aid for Dummies by Christine M. Zinck

Alternative Pet Care

There are almost as many alternative lifestyles out there as there are pets, so rest assured whether you're a vegan, holistic medicine adherent, or you like to grow your own food, there's a book of pet care out there for you that will help your pet to conform to your lifestyle. Some popular titles in this vein include Natural Pet Care by Gary Null, The Nature of Animal Healing: The New Holistic Way for Dogs and Cats by Paul McCutcheon, and Raw Dog Food by Carina Beth MacDonald.

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