When you're thinking of buying a Kindle or another device that's capable of downloading ebooks it's usually going to be for yourself or another adult in your life. It's a great way to pass the time while you're commuting from your home to work or to relax at the end of the day. But you might not know that this is actually a great resource for a child as well. Ebooks can help them get excited about reading and be a great entertainment source for them as well.

While you likely still encourage your kids to do crafts and play outside, you can't deny that technology and computers are becoming a larger part of their lives than they ever were when you were their age. When you're all sitting around relaxing after dinner than are as likely to be in front of the computer or television as they are to be doing anything else. Ebooks make reading more accessible to this generation. You might think that it is too advanced for a child just learning to read to understand but they are likely going to be able to figure out how to use it before even you can.

There are lots of different places where you can find ebooks for your children. A good place to start is your local library. There are many libraries throughout the country that are now allowing you to log on to their website with your membership card and download a number of ebook titles right to your home device. This is a great way for your child to get some new reading material while they're at school during lunch or away at camp in the summer.

Getting children in the habit of reading is something that is likely to stick with them for a lifetime. While they might first be looking at picture books to keep them occupied while you're working, they will one day move on to young adult novels and then maybe the same sort of things that you enjoy. You will find everything from new stories to the ones that you grew up with on ebook sites and there are certainly hundreds of options available for children and young adults.

While the reader for ebooks is certainly going to more expensive then buying the first stack of books for your child, you will find that in the long run you are saving money by using this technology. You might not be able to afford luxury car but you will usually be paying at least two dollars less for every book than you would for the paper version.

Here is Time Magazine's list of 100 Best Children's Books of All Time.

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